What’s Going On At Club Naturista?

Is there such a thing as a bad choice? I am searching for the answer myself. I’ve made a lot of decisions, some would be considered good, some bad. I’m learning to detach from labeling experiences as either. I’ve learned to trust the things are happening for me, not to me. When I found myself facing the consequences of certain actions, a wisdom I learned was that healing will cause expansion. It’s not about why it’s happening, it’s about what you’re learning.

“Those who passed through darkness before us, can show us the way out.”

I’ve gotten to a place where I stop and smell the roses, daily. Two years ago, life forced me to take a very long (and humbling) period of rest and ultimately rebirth. I completely surrendered to life, I don’t force much anymore. Rest, relaxation, and recovery are part of my weekly routine. They are what allow me to create and maintain momentum until my next rest cycle.

*If you are in hustle mode, make sure you are getting plenty of trace minerals, like these here.

As I continue to push my mental and physical boundaries, I make sure to support my own recovery. I love epsom salt and I use this CBD creme religiously. Whether my leg muscles are sore from soccer or I sleep on my neck wrong, that creme always saves the day… especially after a detox bath with epsom salts!

Is this what they call a shelfie? Well whatever it is, some of my favorite everyday products are here.

My skincare game has changed when I started using tallow on my face and body. Shameless plug, but I use my own brand - Creme de la Bleu Tallow Balm. If you aren’t familiar with tallow and it’s benefits for the skin, tallow is rich in essential nutrients like vitamins A, D, and E, which are beneficial for skin health. Vitamin A helps with skin cell regeneration and reduces wrinkles, while vitamin D soothes skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Additionally, vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting the skin from free radical damage and improving texture. These properties make tallow an excellent natural ingredient for nourishing skincare routines.

I don’t go a day with out my Meraki Medicinal Black Seed Oil. I am adamant about taking Black Seed Oil when I wake up and before I go to bed. Meraki’s has the highest quality I have ever had. Available here.

Black Seed Oil research has shown a myriad of possible benefits:



-Combats Seasonal Allergies




-Promising Cancer Research




Lastly, my new favorite aluminum-free natural deodorant, mainly because of the scent, is by Preston’s Grooming. I purchase it at my local Erewhon, but you can buy it online here. I absolutely love this amber scent, which I think is for men, but it’s very light and not too masculine.

I grew up with a Army Sergeant as a father, he always wanted me to go into the Air Force, or something of that nature. The closest I got to it was when my high school boyfriend went to the army and vintage camo pants became a staple in my wardrobe. For a while I dreamed of curating a collection of camo pants, and I finally connected with proper sources in order to do so.

The Camo Collection, Coming Soon. ♡

Guess who designed her own bikini? A few years ago I created my dream print inspired by nature. I made it into wallpaper, tissue paper, and rolling papers. I always envisioned a whole resort collection based around the print and as I am getting ready to go to Tahiti, I decided I wanted to get a sample made for myself to test the waters (pun intended) I designed the bikini along with a headband and towel to match. I just received the samples and I am in love!


Ceviche with Alexcy


Our Favorite Taco Recipe